NIEF Testbed Service Provider

  1. Initiate SSO to view IDP Asserted Attributes - This page is a protected resource, and will require authentication at a Reference Federation IDP.
  2. Test FIDO / ThumbSignIn
  3. Various SAML 2 Metdata Downloads:
  4. Invalid AssertionConsumerService URL - This link will generate an AuthnRequest for which the Assertion Consumer Service URL specified in the request is invalid (not listed within the SAML 2 Entity Metadata).
  5. If you are currently debugging your application, you may wish to view the Shibboleth logfiles on this machine:
    View Service Provider Logfiles
    File Lines
  6. Choose the Identity Provider you wish to authenticate with (by passing the federation's DS):
    Authenticate via IDP:
    Authn Method
    NameID Policy
    Force Reauthentication
    Passive Authentication